home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*
- *
- * This module contains the routines needed to parse and evaluate an
- * expression. This is used while selecting which files to print.
- *
- * This is the BNF for the set of expressions recognised by the
- * database searcher. It doesn't contain any semantic information however.
- *
- * Expression ::= Boolean | Boolean Operator Expression | ALL
- * Operator ::= AND | OR
- * Boolean ::= NOT Boolean |
- * '(' Expression ')' |
- * BoolIdent |
- * NumIdent Op Value |
- * StringIdent Op String |
- * DateIdent Op Date
- * Op ::= '<' | '>' | '<=' | '>=' | '=' | '<>'
- * BoolIdent ::= BINARY | ONLINE | LOCAL | VALID
- * DateIdent ::= DATE
- * String ::= (Text enclosed in quotes)
- * Value ::= (A number)
- * Date ::= (A date in the format "dd-mon-yy")
- *
- */
- #ifndef LATTICE_50
- #include "system.h"
- #endif
- #include "bbsindex.h"
- #define mystrcmp stricmp /* Make match() insensitive to case */
- /*
- * BNF procedures
- */
- void bnf_op(), bnf_date(), bnf_expression(), bnf_boolean();
- /*
- * Global variable(s)
- */
- static int treepos; /* Next free entry in tree array */
- static int curtoken; /* Current token */
- static int curvalue; /* Current number with E_NUMBER */
- static char curstring[MAXCOM]; /* Current string with E_STRING */
- /*
- * Tokens recognised as special in expressions
- */
- struct {
- int tag;
- char *name;
- } tokens[] = {
- { E_EQ, "=" },
- { E_NE, "<>" },
- { E_LE, "<=" },
- { E_GE, ">=" },
- { E_LT, "<" },
- { E_GT, ">" },
- { E_AND, "AND" },
- { E_OR, "OR" },
- { E_NOT, "NOT" },
- { E_ALL, "ALL" },
- { E_OPENPAR, "(" },
- { E_CLOSEPAR, ")" },
- { E_TEXT, "TEXT" },
- { NULL, NULL }
- };
- /*
- * wild()
- * ------
- * This routine does a wildcard match on the two specified strings.
- * The first string contains the string to check, and the second string
- * containts the wildcard pattern to check against. The special wild
- * card characters are '?' which matches any single characters, and
- * '*' which matches any number of characters. 0 is returned if the
- * the two strings match, else a +ve or -ve number.
- *
- */
- int wild(s,w)
- char *s;
- char *w;
- {
- char *p;
- char ch;
- while (*w && *s) {
- switch (*w) {
- case '*':
- ch = toupper(w[1]);
- if (!ch)
- return (0);
- for (p = s; *p; p++) {
- if (toupper(*p) == ch || ch == '?') {
- if (!wild(p,w+1))
- return (0);
- }
- }
- return (toupper(*p)-ch);
- case '?':
- break;
- default:
- if (toupper(*s) != toupper(*w))
- return (toupper(*s)-toupper(*w));
- }
- w++;
- s++;
- }
- return (toupper(*s)-toupper(*w));
- }
- /*
- * Dirty great macro to compare two values according to an operator
- */
- #define e_cmp(v1,op,v2) \
- switch (op) { \
- case E_EQ: return ((v1) == (v2)); \
- case E_NE: return ((v1) != (v2)); \
- case E_LT: return ((v1) < (v2)); \
- case E_GT: return ((v1) > (v2)); \
- case E_LE: return ((v1) <= (v2)); \
- case E_GE: return ((v1) >= (v2)); \
- }
- #define e_numcmp(n) e_cmp(n, e->op, e->num)
- #define e_strcmp(s) e_cmp(mystrcmp(s,e->text), e->op, 0)
- #define e_wildcmp(s) e_cmp(wild(s,e->text), e->op, 0)
- /*
- * match()
- * -------
- * Scans the the parse tree, and returns TRUE if the current
- * record matches the criteria in the tree, else FALSE.
- *
- * Aside: Aren't C macros wonderful? Just think how long this function
- * would be if it wasn't for the above e_cmp, e_numcmp and e_strcmp
- * macros.
- */
- int match(p, e)
- UDHEAD *p;
- EXPR *e;
- {
- switch (e->field) {
- case E_AND: return (match(p, e->left) && match(p, e->right));
- case E_OR: return (match(p, e->left) || match(p, e->right));
- case E_NOT: return (!match(p, e->left));
- case E_ALL: return (TRUE);
- case I_LOCAL: return ((int)p->local);
- case I_BINARY: return ((int)p->bin);
- case I_VALID: return ((int)p->valid);
- case I_ONLINE: return ((int)p->online);
- case E_REMOTE: return (!(int)p->local);
- case E_TEXT: return (!(int)p->bin);
- case E_INVALID: return (!(int)p->valid);
- case E_OFFLINE: return (!(int)p->online);
- case I_ACCESS: e_numcmp(p->accesses);
- case I_DATE: e_numcmp(p->date);
- case I_DIRECTORY: e_numcmp(p->dir);
- case I_DISKDIRNUM: e_numcmp(p->dirnum);
- case I_KSIZE: e_numcmp(BTOK(p->length));
- case I_SECTION: e_numcmp(p->section);
- case I_SIZE: e_numcmp(p->length);
- case I_DISKNAME: e_strcmp(p->disk_name);
- case I_COMMENT: e_strcmp(p->desc);
- case I_NAME: e_strcmp(p->cat_name);
- case I_OWNER: e_strcmp(p->owner);
- case W_DISKNAME: e_wildcmp(p->disk_name);
- case W_COMMENT: e_wildcmp(p->desc);
- case W_NAME: e_wildcmp(p->cat_name);
- case W_OWNER: e_wildcmp(p->owner);
- }
- }
- /*
- * newnode()
- * ---------
- * This function allocates a new node from the tree array, and returns
- * a pointer to it. If overflow occurs, it aborts with an error message.
- */
- EXPR *newnode()
- {
- treepos++;
- if (treepos >= MAXEXPR) {
- scripterror("expression to complex\n");
- Cleanup(10);
- }
- return (&tree[treepos]);
- }
- /*
- * readtoken()
- * -----------
- * This function reads the next token from the command line, starting
- * at position curpos. curtoken is set to the type of token received.
- * If it was E_STRING, then curstring points to the string it
- * represents (without the quotes). If it was E_NUM, then curvalue
- * points to the number represented. If the end of the line is
- * reached, E_END is automatically set.
- */
- #define nextch() (ch = combuf[compos++])
- #define ungetnext() (compos--)
- void readtoken()
- {
- char *p = curstring, ch;
- int i;
- if (compos >= comlen) {
- curtoken = E_END;
- return;
- }
- do {
- nextch();
- } while (ch == CHAR_SPACE);
- if (ch == CHAR_QUOTES) { /* Handle string in quotes */
- curtoken = E_STRING;
- nextch();
- if (*p == CHAR_NULL) {
- curtoken = E_END;
- return;
- }
- do {
- *p++ = ch;
- nextch();
- } while (ch && ch != CHAR_QUOTES);
- *p = CHAR_NULL;
- return;
- }
- if (isdigit(ch)) { /* Numeric value? */
- curtoken = E_NUMBER;
- curvalue = 0;
- do {
- curvalue = curvalue * 10 + (ch - '0');
- nextch();
- } while (isdigit(ch));
- ungetnext();
- return;
- }
- if (isalpha(ch)) { /* Alphabetic identifier? */
- do {
- *p++ = ch;
- nextch();
- } while (isalpha(ch));
- } else if (ch == CHAR_NULL) { /* At end of line? */
- curtoken = E_END;
- return;
- } else { /* Must be punctuation */
- do {
- *p++ = ch;
- nextch();
- } while (ch && !isalpha(ch) && !isdigit(ch) && ch != CHAR_SPACE
- && ch != CHAR_QUOTES);
- }
- *p = CHAR_NULL;
- ungetnext();
- /* Check for character A - F */
- if (curstring[1] == CHAR_NULL) {
- switch (curstring[0]) {
- case 'A': case 'B': case 'C':
- case 'D': case 'E': case 'F':
- curvalue = curstring[0] + 10 - 'A';
- curtoken = E_NUMBER;
- return;
- }
- }
- /* Now find token that matches string */
- for (i = 0; i < MAXINDEX; i++) {
- if (!strcmp(curstring, indexes[i].name)) {
- curtoken = indexes[i].tag;
- return;
- }
- }
- for (i = 0; tokens[i].name; i++) {
- if (!strcmp(curstring, tokens[i].name)) {
- curtoken = tokens[i].tag;
- return;
- }
- }
- scripterror("unrecognised symbol '");
- print2(curstring,"' in expression\n");
- Cleanup(10);
- }
- /*
- * com_select()
- * ------------
- * This command parses the expression in the command buffer starting
- * at position compos, and builds an expression tree representing it.
- * This tree is stored in tree[], starting at element 0. This expression
- * tree is used when match() is called.
- */
- void com_select()
- {
- treepos = 0;
- readtoken();
- bnf_expression(tree);
- }
- /*
- * bnf_expression()
- * ----------------
- * Parses the BNF line:
- *
- * Expression ::= Boolean | Boolean Operator Expression | ALL
- *
- */
- void bnf_expression(e)
- EXPR *e;
- {
- EXPR dummy;
- if (curtoken == E_ALL)
- e->field = E_ALL;
- else {
- bnf_boolean(&dummy);
- if (curtoken == E_AND || curtoken == E_OR) {
- e->field = curtoken;
- e->left = newnode();
- e->right = newnode();
- *(e->left) = dummy;
- readtoken();
- bnf_expression(e->right);
- } else
- *e = dummy;
- }
- }
- /*
- * bnf_boolean()
- * -------------
- * Parses the following BNF line:
- *
- * Boolean ::= NOT Boolean |
- * '(' Expression ')' |
- * BoolIdent |
- * NumIdent Op Value |
- * StringIdent Op String |
- * DateIdent Op Date
- */
- void bnf_boolean(e)
- EXPR *e;
- {
- char *p;
- e->field = curtoken;
- switch (curtoken) {
- case E_NOT:
- e->left = newnode();
- readtoken();
- bnf_boolean(e->left);
- break;
- case E_OPENPAR:
- readtoken();
- bnf_expression(e);
- if (curtoken != E_CLOSEPAR) {
- scripterror("missing close parenthesis\n");
- Cleanup(10);
- }
- readtoken();
- break;
- case I_BINARY:
- case I_VALID:
- case I_ONLINE:
- case I_LOCAL:
- case E_TEXT:
- case E_INVALID:
- case E_OFFLINE:
- case E_REMOTE:
- readtoken();
- break;
- case I_ACCESS:
- case I_SECTION:
- case I_SIZE:
- case I_KSIZE:
- readtoken();
- bnf_op(e);
- if (curtoken != E_NUMBER) {
- scripterror("number expected in expression\n");
- Cleanup(10);
- }
- e->num = curvalue;
- readtoken();
- break;
- case I_COMMENT:
- case I_DISKNAME:
- case I_NAME:
- case I_OWNER:
- case I_PATHNAME:
- readtoken();
- bnf_op(e);
- if (curtoken != E_STRING) {
- scripterror("string expected in expression\n");
- Cleanup(10);
- }
- e->text = mymalloc(strlen(curstring)+1);
- strcpy(e->text, curstring);
- /*
- * Now check the string, and see if it contains any wildcard
- * characters. If it does, use operation W_{string}
- * instead of E_{string}. If it doesn't, use the standard
- * strcmp which is much faster.
- */
- for (p = curstring; *p; *p++) {
- if (*p == '*' || *p == '?') {
- e->field = tokentowild(e->field);
- break;
- }
- }
- readtoken();
- break;
- case I_DATE:
- readtoken();
- bnf_op(e);
- bnf_date(e);
- break;
- default:
- scripterror("error in expression\n");
- Cleanup(10);
- }
- }
- /*
- * bnf_op
- * ------
- * Sets the operation field of the specified expression to the value
- * of the next token on the command line.
- */
- void bnf_op(e)
- EXPR *e;
- {
- switch (curtoken) {
- case E_EQ:
- case E_NE:
- case E_LT:
- case E_GT:
- case E_LE:
- case E_GE:
- e->op = curtoken;
- readtoken();
- break;
- default:
- scripterror("expected comparison operator\n");
- Cleanup(10);
- }
- }
- /*
- * bnf_date()
- * -----------
- * Reads a date from the command line, validates it, and sets the
- * 'num' field in the expression to its numerical value. The date
- * is in the format "dd-mon-yy", e.g. "15-Jun-89"
- */
- void bnf_date(e)
- EXPR *e;
- {
- int day, month, year;
- if (curtoken != E_STRING) {
- scripterror("expected date string in expression\n");
- Cleanup(10);
- }
- if (strlen(curstring) != 9 ||
- curstring[2] != '-' || curstring[6] != '-') {
- scripterror("Invalid date format (should be dd-mon-yy)\n");
- Cleanup(10);
- }
- day = atoi(curstring);
- year = atoi(curstring+7);
- for (month = 0; month < 12 && strnicmp(curstring+3, months[month], 3);
- month++)
- ;
- if ((day < 1 || day > 31) || (month < 1 || month > 12) ||
- (year < 1 || year > 99)) {
- scripterror("Invalid date format (should be dd-mon-yy)\n");
- Cleanup(10);
- }
- e->num = (((year * 13) + month) << 5) + day;
- readtoken();
- }